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Hi Marcus,

For the static transform, already there is:

<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="kinect_lwr_link_joint" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 kinect_link openni_depth_frame 100" />

So I don't understand why this link doesn't understand by the environment server... Moreover this link works well with the add know object. My karma is less than 20 so I can't send the frames.pdf but with:

$rosrun tf view_frames

All frames are connected...

I try now to construct a collision_map. Tracker has benefits like superior speed but I should trying both. My problem with pointCloud is the check validity which return too often a collision where there isn't collision. I use octomap_server to generate the collision_map. And the same code as at the bottom to detect collision. it seems that when there is a collision once, the state return always a collision.