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Hello @akash12124234,

  1. Can you please check which ros version is currently active you can do so by executing this command in the terminal. echo $ROS_DISTRO or rosversion -d
  2. You need to check which ros environment is selected: If you are using ROS Noetic then you can source notice by executing source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash or For foxy you need to source source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash these things should be done every time once you open a new terminal.
  3. Then you have to check about your project workspace and inside packages, whether it is of a specific version. You also need to source workspace and then I think you will be able to run.

Note: You should also check your .bashrc file, in case your terminal is sourcing by default environment.

If you are having any issues please! drop commet

Hello @akash12124234,

  1. Can you please check which ros version is currently active you can do so by executing this command in the terminal. echo $ROS_DISTRO or rosversion -d
  2. You need to check which ros environment is selected: If you are using ROS Noetic then you can source notice by executing source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash or For foxy you need to source source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash these things should be done every time once you open a new terminal.
  3. Then you have to check about your project workspace and inside packages, whether it is of a specific version. You also need to source workspace and then I think you will be able to run.

Note: You should also check your .bashrc file, in case your terminal is sourcing by default environment. If it is doing you can follow steps 1 and 2 for a specific version source.

If you are having any issues please! drop commet commet

Hello @akash12124234,

  1. Can you please check which ros version is currently active you can do so by executing this command in the terminal. echo $ROS_DISTRO or rosversion -d
  2. You need to check which ros environment is selected: If you are using ROS Noetic then you can source notice by executing source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash or For foxy you need to source source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash these things should be done every time once you open a new terminal.
  3. Then you have to check about your project workspace and inside packages, whether it is of a specific version. You also need to source workspace and then I think you will be able to run.

Note: You should also check your .bashrc file, in case file if your terminal is sourcing by default environment. If it is doing doing, you can follow steps 1 and 2 for a specific version source.

If I think you are having can get some help from this answer; please feel free to comment if you have any issues please! drop commetissues.