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There is Rviz plugin called Rviz Texture Quads that allows you to display textured images (realtime or static sensor_msgs/Image topics) as a marker in 3D space. In addition there is a cool demo by: that shows how to use it.

As mentioned in my comments, I found this info from prior question #q322457 so I hate to take any credit.

However, I'd like to add more info to this answer. The message is structured as follows:

sensor_msgs/Image   image           # texture 
geometry_msgs/Pose  pose            # 6DOF pose of the center of the quad to be displayed
float32             width           # physical width of the quad in Rviz unit (usually meters) 
float32             height          # physical height of the quad in Rviz unit (usually meters) 
string              caption         # [OPTIONAL] text description to appear below the quad
float32             border_size     # [OPTIONAL] size of the quad border
float32[]           border_color    # [OPTIONAL] (r,g,b,a) color value of the quad border (Size = 4)

And please review the source code to understand how this is achieved in case someone else may want to apply similar concept but for different application, such as AR.