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initial version

First make sure your stereo camera system is working correctly. When you are able to generate good looking disparity maps and/or point clouds (e.g. by following the tutorial on choosing good stereo parameters) the stereo_odometer of viso2_ros should work fine. viso2_ros does not use the disparity map nor the point cloud that come from stereo_image_proc but if they look good your stereo system is working.

To debug your tf tree, try the following: do not publish any tf and run just the stereo_odometer with the parameter base_link_frame_id set to the frame_id of your stereo system. Visualize the transform /odom -> <frame_id of your camera> in rviz by setting the fixed frame to /odom. Does the frame move when the camera moves? If not, stereo_odometer is not working for some reason (too few features, inconsistent matches). You might try to adjust the parameter match_disp_tolerance.

If the tf /odom -> <frame_id of your camera> looks good there must be some other problem in your tf tree.

A side-note: I just moved the former srv_vision stack that contained viso2_ros to a new stack called viso2, please update your repository.