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You are right that it is not impossibly hard, in fact I started this effort back in 2019 on this branch However, I ran out of time while working on a few issues in it and never was able to complete it. Since I didn't have a particular need at the time for it, this work was dropped and no one has expressed significant enough interest in picking it back up again.

The issues were definitely solvable, I just never quite got to the root of them. I have some comments in the branch about what I was doing at the time (meant for my personal consumption, never meant to be read by others but happy to clarify to the best of my memory). I believe if memory serves it was related to loop closures and the optimizer, potentially frames, where the graphs generated by different sensors were not merging or matching together correctly and causing offsets / failures.

I'd be happy to have your help if this is something you require and would be open to contributing back. Happy to help answer any questions I can. The ticket is here for the task: