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Here's a portion of a launch file I have where I spawn two robots. I use this format to spawn multiple robots using the same *.urdf or different robots like shown below.
also roscd gazebo_worlds/launch
and look how the table.urdf.xacro is launched. I don't think what you have is right.
Hope it helps.
<node args="-urdf -param passive_cubelet_1 -x 0.58 -y 0.0 -z 0.585 -R 0.0 -P 0.0 -Y 0.0 -model passive_cubelet_1" name="spawn_passive_cubelet_1" output="screen" pkg="gazebo" respawn="false" type="spawn_model"/> |
<node args="-urdf -param inverse_cubelet_2 -x 0.748 -y 0.0 -z 0.585 -R 0.0 -P 0.0 -Y 0.0 -model inverse_cubelet_2" name="spawn_inverse_cubelet_2" output="screen" pkg="gazebo" respawn="false" type="spawn_model"/>
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Here's a portion of a launch file I have where I spawn two robots. I use this format to spawn multiple robots using the same *.urdf or different robots like shown below.
also roscd gazebo_worlds/launch
and look how the table.urdf.xacro is launched. I don't think what you have is right.
Hope it helps.
<param name="passive_cubelet_1" textfile="/home/andy/ros-fuerte/workspace/Cubelet/urdf/passive.urdf"/>