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I like to use catkin tools to manage multiple packages in one workspace. To install catkin tools run, sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-catkin python-catkin-tools

Quick example is, you can build specific package in your catkin_ws using catkin build <package-name> and you can clean the workspace with catkin clean to clean the workspace before building other package. It doesn't matter in which sub folder the package is inside the src/. You can also use Tab key for auto-completion of package name.

I like to use catkin tools to manage multiple packages in one workspace. To install catkin tools run, sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-catkin python-catkin-tools

Quick example is, you can build specific package in your catkin_ws using catkin build <package-name> and you can clean the workspace with catkin clean to clean the workspace before building other package. It doesn't matter in which sub folder the package is inside the src/. You can also use Tab key for auto-completion of package

You can refer this for more information.