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initial version

To launch the demo.launch file in the moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config package, run:

roslaunch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch

Make sure that you have:

  • Installed the package, looks like you'll need to do that by building from source: clone this repo into the src/ of your catkin workspace and then build (more info here)

  • Sourced the workspace (more info here)

However, I would point out that (per the source repository): "Use ROS-Industrial's upstream files if you actually want to work with the robot!". So, you may not be using this package properly.

This appears to be a ROS1 package. To launch the demo.launch file in the moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config package, run:

roslaunch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch

Make sure that you have:

  • Installed the package, looks like you'll need to do that by building from source: clone this repo into the src/ of your catkin workspace and then build (more info here)

  • Sourced the workspace (more info here)

However, I would point out that (per the source repository): "Use ROS-Industrial's upstream files if you actually want to work with the robot!". So, you may not be using this package properly.

This appears to be a ROS1 package. To launch the demo.launch file in the moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config package, run:

roslaunch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch

Make sure that you have:

  • Installed the package, looks like you'll need to do that by building from source: clone this repo into the src/ of your catkin workspace and then build (more info here)

  • Sourced the workspace (more info here)

However, I would point out that (per the source repository): "Use ROS-Industrial's upstream files if you actually want to work with the robot!". So, you may not be using this package properly.

For ROS 2, the command is ros2 launch <package_name> <launch_file_name> (see here), so your command would be:

ros2 launch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch

This appears to be a ROS1 package. To launch the demo.launch file in the moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config package, run:

roslaunch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch

Make sure that you have:

  • Installed the package, looks like you'll need to do that by building from source: clone this repo into the src/ of your catkin workspace and then build (more info here)

  • Sourced the workspace (more info here)

However, I would point out that (per the source repository): "Use ROS-Industrial's upstream files if you actually want to work with the robot!". So, you may not be using this package properly.

For ROS 2, the command is ros2 launch <package_name> <launch_file_name> (see here), here), so your command would be:

ros2 launch moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config demo.launch