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Revision history [back]

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initial version

The problem is solved...

It seems that the roslib package isn't a dependency of roscpp anymore. Adding the roslib package as dependency to my package makes it linkable.

roscpp manifest.xml in electric

<depend package="roslib"/>

roscpp manifest.xml in fuerte

  <description brief="ROS C++ client library">


  <author>Morgan Quigley, Josh Faust, Brian Gerkey, Troy Straszheim straszheim@will$
  <review status="Doc reviewed"/>
  <depend package="roslang"/>
    <cpp cflags="`PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${prefix}/../../lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --cflags roscpp`"
         lflags="`PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${prefix}/../../lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --libs roscpp`"/>
    <roslang cmake="${prefix}/rosbuild/roscpp.cmake"/>
  <rosdep name="pkg-config"/>


Thanks anyway!