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If both topics are sensor packets, and you want the same callback function to handle them both, then you would do:

callback = function(rsp) {
    alert("subscribed to /sensorPacket");

connection.callService("/rosjs/subscribe", '["/a", 0]', callback);
connection.callService("/rosjs/subscribe", '["/b", 0]', callback);

Remember though, that callback is called for incoming messages on the topic, not as a confirmation that the subscription was successful.

If both topics are sensor packets, You can reuse callbacks for multiple subscription requests and you want as the same callback function to handle them both, then you would do:handler for incoming messages.

callback subscription_ok_callback = function(rsp) {
    alert("subscribed to /sensorPacket");

connection.callService("/rosjs/subscribe", '["/a", 0]', callback);
connection.callService("/rosjs/subscribe", '["/b", 0]', callback);

message_received_callback = function(msg) {
    alert("received a message: " + msg);

connection.addHandler("/a", message_received_callback);
connection.addHandler("/b", message_received_callback);

Remember though, that callback is called for incoming messages on the topic, not as a confirmation that the subscription was successful.