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Maybe you could try to use a Gazebo service in ROS, triggered by other node - observer of the position of the first robot? ? They are in gazebo_msgs.srv, use rospy.wait_for_service("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model"), then s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) etc. like there:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, rospy, tf
from gazebo_msgs.srv import *
from geometry_msgs.msg import *
from copy import deepcopy

if __name__ == '__main__':
  delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel)
  s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel)
  orient = Quaternion(*tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
  board_pose = Pose(Point(0.25,1.39,0.90), orient)
  unit = 0.05
  with open("chessboard.sdf", "r") as f:
    board_xml =
  with open("chess_piece.sdf", "r") as f:
    piece_xml =

  print s("chessboard", board_xml, "", board_pose, "world")

  for row in [0,1,6,7]:
    for col in xrange(0,8):
      piece_name = "piece_%d_%d" % (row, col)
      pose = deepcopy(board_pose)
      pose.position.x = board_pose.position.x - 3.5 * unit + col * unit
      pose.position.y = board_pose.position.y - 3.5 * unit + row * unit
      pose.position.z += 0.02
      s(piece_name, piece_xml, "", pose, "world")

This example is based on the the book "Programming Robots with ROS. A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System", Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey, William D. Smart from there.

Like @Mike Scheutzow wrote, I would call this service not in the callback too. I think you could try to use Contain Plugin in Gazebo, like this one: (but it would be a bit of work, I think).

Maybe you could try to use a Gazebo service in ROS, triggered by other node - observer of the position of the first robot? ? ROS? They are in gazebo_msgs.srv, use rospy.wait_for_service("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model"), then s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) etc. like there:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, rospy, tf
from gazebo_msgs.srv import *
from geometry_msgs.msg import *
from copy import deepcopy

if __name__ == '__main__':
  delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel)
  s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel)
  orient = Quaternion(*tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
  board_pose = Pose(Point(0.25,1.39,0.90), orient)
  unit = 0.05
  with open("chessboard.sdf", "r") as f:
    board_xml =
  with open("chess_piece.sdf", "r") as f:
    piece_xml =

  print s("chessboard", board_xml, "", board_pose, "world")

  for row in [0,1,6,7]:
    for col in xrange(0,8):
      piece_name = "piece_%d_%d" % (row, col)
      pose = deepcopy(board_pose)
      pose.position.x = board_pose.position.x - 3.5 * unit + col * unit
      pose.position.y = board_pose.position.y - 3.5 * unit + row * unit
      pose.position.z += 0.02
      s(piece_name, piece_xml, "", pose, "world")

This example is based on the the book "Programming Robots with ROS. A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System", Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey, William D. Smart from there.

Like @Mike Scheutzow wrote, I would call this service not in the callback too. I think you could try to use Contain Plugin in Gazebo, like this one: (but it would be a bit of work, I think).

Maybe you could try to use a Gazebo service in ROS? They are in gazebo_msgs.srv, use rospy.wait_for_service("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model"), then s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) etc. like there:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, rospy, tf
from gazebo_msgs.srv import *
from geometry_msgs.msg import *
from copy import deepcopy

if __name__ == '__main__':
  delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel)
  s = rospy.ServiceProxy("gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel)
  orient = Quaternion(*tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0))
  board_pose = Pose(Point(0.25,1.39,0.90), orient)
  unit = 0.05
  with open("chessboard.sdf", "r") as f:
    board_xml =
  with open("chess_piece.sdf", "r") as f:
    piece_xml =

  print s("chessboard", board_xml, "", board_pose, "world")

  for row in [0,1,6,7]:
    for col in xrange(0,8):
      piece_name = "piece_%d_%d" % (row, col)
      pose = deepcopy(board_pose)
      pose.position.x = board_pose.position.x - 3.5 * unit + col * unit
      pose.position.y = board_pose.position.y - 3.5 * unit + row * unit
      pose.position.z += 0.02
      s(piece_name, piece_xml, "", pose, "world")

This example is based on the the book "Programming Robots with ROS. A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System", Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey, William D. Smart from there.

Like @Mike Scheutzow wrote, I would wouldn't call this service not in the callback too. callback. I think you could try to use Contain Plugin in Gazebo, like this one: (but it would be a bit of work, I think).