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Just to be sure - did you source install/setup.bash in your workspace every time (once for the client, once for the server)? You can try to you delete your build and install folders there and rebuild everything too.

Did you create your package with this tutorial?? Because usually messages and services are defined in another package called your_project_interfaces and you import everything from there. Only this part differs in your approach (e.g. based on this and previous link - you try to do everything in one package, both srv/ and scripts.

Just to be sure - did you source install/setup.bash in your workspace every time (once for the client, once for the server)? You can try to you delete your build and install folders there and rebuild everything too.

Did you create your package with this tutorial?? Because usually messages and services are defined in another package called your_project_interfaces and you import everything from there. Only this part differs in your approach (e.g. based on this and previous link link) - you try to do everything in one package, both srv/ and scripts.