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It is best to use nxt_lejos_proxy (with ROSResponder on the NXT brick), as nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy is not currently being developed and nxt_lejos_proxy is much faster. If you do use nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy, it should work with the standard Lego firmware, but this has not tested, so there could be a problem.

It looks as if there is a problem with your USB connection to the NXT. I always use Bluetooth, so USB has not been tested much. The error you are getting sometimes occurs when there is already an active connection to the NXT. Have you successfully used the USB connection to the NXT? Did you try rebooting the NXT?

I suggest that you use nxt_lejos_proxy and ROSResponder if you can. The tutorial for this has now been updated, and works for me.

If you can use Bluetooth rather than USB it is better as you do not need a USB cable attached to the robot. It works fast enough with nxt_lejos_proxy. It is very easy to use. All you should need to do is plug in a USB Bluetooth dongle (if your PC does not have Bluetooth), and pair the NXT with the default 1234 pin.