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find_object published /objectsStamped topic:

We the object id in the message, you can then get its corresponding pose with /tf. Look at this example to know how to do this:

What do you mean by "highest"? in elevation? if so, with /tf you could know it in meters, otherwise the homography in the objects topic can be used to know the pixels in the image.

There is no benchmark with this project, so you would have to create your own evaluation.

find_object published /objectsStamped topic:

We With the object id in the message, you can then get its corresponding pose with /tf. Look at this example to know how to do this:

What do you mean by "highest"? in elevation? if so, with /tf you could know it in meters, otherwise the homography in the objects topic can be used to know the pixels in the image.

There is no benchmark with this project, so you would have to create your own evaluation.