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I think you are looking for the Gazebo ROS plugin (Model Plugin to be exact):


Adding a ModelPlugin

In short, the ModelPlugin is inserted in the URDF inside the <robot> element. It is wrapped with the <gazebo> pill, to indicate information passed to Gazebo. For example:

  ... robot description ...
    <plugin name="differential_drive_controller"

filename=""> ... plugin parameters ... </plugin> </gazebo> ... robot description ... </robot>

Upon loading the robot model within Gazebo, the diffdrive_plugin code will be given a reference to the model itself, allowing it to manipulate it. Also, it will be give a reference to the SDF element of itself, in order to read the plugin parameters passed to it.

I think you are looking for the Gazebo ROS plugin (Model Plugin to be exact):


Adding a ModelPlugin

In short, the ModelPlugin is inserted in the URDF inside the <robot> element. It is wrapped with the <gazebo> pill, to indicate information passed to Gazebo. For example:

  ... robot description ...
    <plugin name="differential_drive_controller"

filename=""> ... plugin parameters ... </plugin> </gazebo> ... robot description ... </robot>


Upon loading the robot model within Gazebo, the diffdrive_plugin code will be given a reference to the model itself, allowing it to manipulate it. Also, it will be give a reference to the SDF element of itself, in order to read the plugin parameters passed to it.