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ros is already handling SIGINT. If you override that handler, then you are responsible for shutting down the ros node.

In general in roscpp, you should be polling ros::ok() to determine when ros node shutdown has been requested, rather than grabbing SIGINT yourself. There are other mechanisms (e.g. rosnode kill) to request shutdown that do not use a signal.

ros is already handling SIGINT. If you override that handler, then you are responsible for shutting down the ros node.

In general in roscpp, you should be polling ros::ok() to determine when ros node shutdown has been requested, rather than grabbing SIGINT yourself. There are other mechanisms (e.g. rosnode kill) to request shutdown that do not use a signal.

Also, there is no way for you to "make sure your thread is terminated first." In a ros-like system, you have no control over when a connection goes down or when a different linux process exits.