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Wow. You found a really old tutorial :)

Have a look at the ROS Overlay page, in particular the section about adding stacks using roslocate.

Essentially, to add new stacks you first create an overlay. Then you either create and merge your own rosinstall file that contains the stacks you want to install, use roslocate or check out the stacks manually into a 'sandbox' directory that is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

Wow. You found a really old tutorial :)

Have a look at the ROS Overlay page, in particular the section about adding stacks using roslocate.

Essentially, to add new stacks you first create an overlay. Then you either create and merge your own rosinstall file that contains the stacks you want to install, use roslocate or check out the stacks manually into a 'sandbox' directory that is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

Edit: I guess the problem is that your computer doesn't know about the required googlecode certificate and rejects to check it out. Try checking it out manually (I assume that you created a sandbox directory as shown on the wiki page):

cd ~/fuerte_workspace/sandbox
hg clone "" /home/lennart/fuerte_workspace/phidgetspp_c_api

After that it should be available in the workspace already.