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Could you try the followings?
1. Launch a terminal.
2. Open ".bashrc". ".bashrc" is at your home directry(/home/(user-name)/.bashrc).
eg). $gedit .bashrc
3. Check whether there are the following lines or not. If not, add them.
1. You use ros electric. If you use other ros versions, change the part "electric".
2. You made ros_workspace directry at your home directry and created beginner_tutorials package in the directry.
export /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/ros_workspace:/opt/ros/electric/stacks
*Second line is important. You need to add the directry which includes packages to environment variable.
If roscd still doesn't work well...
1. Go to beginner_tutorials directry.
eg). cd ~/ros_workspace/beginner_tutorials
2. Type the following command.
3. Retry "roscd".