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I got the same error trying to connect my Sick laser and I found no solution. I have a USB->RS422 converter and it works fine with all baud rates equal or less than 38400. When I set the baud rate to 500000, then a similar error message appears. I tried some commands from the tutorial "Using The Sick lms" (

rosparam set sicklms/port /dev/ttyUSB0 rosparam set sicklms/baud 5000000


stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 500000 rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=500000

Please help me to configure ROS parameters or something else, I really need that baud speed to work. My Sick is LMS291-S05.




I got the same error trying to connect my Sick laser and I found no solution. I have a USB->RS422 converter and it works fine with all baud rates equal or less than 38400. When I set the baud rate to 500000, then a similar error message appears. I tried some commands from the tutorial "Using The Sick lms" (

rosparam set sicklms/port /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB0

rosparam set sicklms/baud 5000000


stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 500000 500000

rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=500000

Please help me to configure ROS parameters or something else, I really need that baud speed to work. My Sick is LMS291-S05.

