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The first exception is not harmful as you can see here.

I think running only image_view like in your first edit and still getting the freeze pretty much rules out a performance issue--at least concerning rviz. I think the point cloud only gets computed when you subscribe to the points topic which would mean there is pretty much nothing going on computationally when you just display an image with image_view.

I looked at the complete output and it looks a bit different than what I usually see though. I will look into that again when I'm at my ROS machine. One thing you could try is modifying the launch file to just run what you need but I will also take a look at my launch file and see what I did with the original ones.

I will update this here.

The first exception is not harmful as you can see here.

I think running only image_view like in your first edit and still getting the freeze pretty much rules out a performance issue--at least concerning rviz. I think (im not sure though) the point cloud only gets computed when you subscribe to the points topic which would mean there is pretty much nothing going on computationally when you just display an image with image_view.

I looked at the complete output and it looks a bit different than what I usually see though. I will look into that again when I'm at my ROS machine. One thing you could try is modifying the launch file to just run what you need but I will also take a look at my launch file and see what I did with the original ones.

I will update this here.

The first exception is not harmful as you can see here.

I think running only image_view like in your first edit and still getting the freeze pretty much rules out a performance issue--at least concerning rviz. I think (im (I'm not sure though) the point cloud only gets computed when you subscribe to the points topic which would mean there is pretty much nothing going on computationally when you just display an image with image_view.

I looked at the complete output and it looks a bit different than what I usually see though. I will look into that again when I'm at my ROS machine. One thing you could try is modifying the launch file to just run what you need but I will also take a look at my launch file and see what I did with the original ones.

I will update this here.

The first exception is not harmful as you can see here.

When I am using roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch, I also get messages like:

[ERROR] [1346317018.377804268]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressedDepth/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1346317018.384694527]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressed/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1346317018.413763705]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/theora/set_parameters]
[ WARN] [1346317020.499849507]: Camera calibration file (...)/rgb_A00364A06244047A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500131130]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500289570]: Camera calibration file (...)/depth_A00364A06244047A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500426152]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration.

Still, everything works just fine (image_view and rviz) so those shouldn't be the issue.

I think running only image_view like in your first edit and still getting the freeze pretty much rules out a performance issue--at least concerning rviz. I think (I'm not sure though) the point cloud only gets computed when you subscribe to the points topic which would mean there is pretty much nothing going on computationally when you just display an image with image_view.

When I looked at the complete output and it looks a bit different than what I usually see though. I will look into that again when I'm at my ROS machine. One thing you could try is modifying the launch file to just run what you need but I will also take a look at my launch file again I remembered that I am using a modified version of the turtlebot's kinect.launch (turtlebot_bringup). What I found interesting is, that that file is actually using an openni_camera/OpenNINodelet instead of openni_camera/driver. However I don't see a nodelet named OpenNINodelet being exported anywhere in the openni_camera so I wonder how that works anyway. It seems to run both the openni_camera/driver and the image_proc/debayer nodelets at the same time.

You could see what I did if that gives you some different output. I'm gonna attach a really simple launch file that uses the OpenNINodelet. Try to find anything suspicious in your rxconsole output.

You could also try a different Kinect device or make sure your Kinect works e.g. on Windows with the original ones.

I will update this here.

OpenNI examples to make sure there is no problem with the device itself.

And my last question would be: What is your version of ROS and your operating system (version)? I'm using ubuntu 12.04 with fuerte and it worked with the OpenNI-packages I got with sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-camera.

Kinect launch file using openni_camera/OpenNINodelet:

    <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="openni_manager" output="screen" respawn="true" args="manager"/>
    <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="openni_launch" args="load openni_camera/OpenNINodelet openni_manager" respawn="true">
        <!--<param name="rgb_frame_id" value="camera_rgb_optical_frame" />-->
        <!--<param name="depth_frame_id" value="camera_depth_optical_frame" />-->
        <param name="depth_registration" value="true" />
        <param name="image_mode" value="VGA_30Hz" />
        <param name="depth_mode" value="VGA_30Hz" />
        <param name="debayering" value="EdgeAwareWeighted" />
        <param name="depth_time_offset" value="-0.055" /> <!-- Taken from TurtleBot's kinect.launch -->
        <param name="image_time_offset" value="0" />

The first exception is not harmful as you can see here.

When I am using roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch, I also get messages like:

[ERROR] [1346317018.377804268]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressedDepth/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1346317018.384694527]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/compressed/set_parameters]
[ERROR] [1346317018.413763705]: Tried to advertise a service that is already advertised in this node [/camera/depth_registered/image_rect_raw/theora/set_parameters]
[ WARN] [1346317020.499849507]: Camera calibration file (...)/rgb_A00364A06244047A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500131130]: Using default parameters for RGB camera calibration.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500289570]: Camera calibration file (...)/depth_A00364A06244047A.yaml not found.
[ WARN] [1346317020.500426152]: Using default parameters for IR camera calibration.

Still, everything works just fine (image_view and rviz) so those shouldn't be the issue.

I think running only image_view like in your first edit and still getting the freeze pretty much rules out a performance issue--at least concerning rviz. I think (I'm not sure though) the point cloud only gets computed when you subscribe to the points topic which would mean there is pretty much nothing going on computationally when you just display an image with image_view.

When I looked at my launch file again I remembered that I am using a modified version of the turtlebot's kinect.launch (turtlebot_bringup). What I found interesting is, that that file is actually using an openni_camera/OpenNINodelet instead of openni_camera/driver. However I don't see a nodelet named OpenNINodelet being exported anywhere in the openni_camera so I wonder how that works anyway. It seems to run both the openni_camera/driver and the image_proc/debayer nodelets at the same time.

You could see if that gives you some different output. I'm gonna attach a really simple launch file that uses the OpenNINodelet. Try to find anything suspicious in your rxconsole output.

You could also try a different Kinect device or make sure your Kinect works e.g. on Windows with the OpenNI examples to make sure there is no problem with the device itself.

And my last question would be: What is your version of ROS and your operating system (version)? I'm using ubuntu 12.04 with fuerte and it worked with the OpenNI-packages I got with sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-openni-camera.

You could try the driver from openni_camera_deprecated just to see if it gives you different output or some hints on what's going on.

Kinect launch file using openni_camera/OpenNINodelet (deprecated version of the driver):

    <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="openni_manager" output="screen" respawn="true" args="manager"/>
    <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="openni_launch" args="load openni_camera/OpenNINodelet openni_manager" respawn="true">
        <!--<param name="rgb_frame_id" value="camera_rgb_optical_frame" />-->
        <!--<param name="depth_frame_id" value="camera_depth_optical_frame" />-->
        <param name="depth_registration" value="true" />
        <param name="image_mode" value="VGA_30Hz" />
        <param name="depth_mode" value="VGA_30Hz" />
        <param name="debayering" value="EdgeAwareWeighted" />
        <param name="depth_time_offset" value="-0.055" /> <!-- Taken from TurtleBot's kinect.launch -->
        <param name="image_time_offset" value="0" />