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I tried:

rosmake g2o

but it gave same error,

rosmake --pre-clean rgbdslam

did work but now its stuck somewhere as it has already spent 4700 seconds so far compiling it and still compilation is on: [ rosmake ] [ make ] [g2o: 4856.8 sec] [ 1 Active 51/53 Complete ] Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

PS: The question was posted from my colleague's id.

I tried:

rosmake g2o

but it gave same error,

rosmake --pre-clean rgbdslam

did work but now its stuck somewhere as it has already spent 4700 seconds so far compiling it and still compilation is on: [ rosmake ] [ make ] [g2o: 4856.8 sec] [ 1 Active 51/53 Complete ] Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?

PS: The question was posted from my colleague's id.

I let it run in evening and it ended up with the folllowing:

*[rosmake-2] Finished <<< pcl_ros ROS_NOBUILD in package pcl_ros
[rosmake-2] Starting >>> rgbdslam [ make ]
[ rosmake ] Last 40 linesbdslam: 10.1 sec ] [ 1 Active 52/53 Complete ] {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make targets \ "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ "C++ = g++" \ "CFLAGS = -O3" \ "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ "RANLIB = true" make[3]: Entering directory /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/sample' make[3]: Nothing to be done fortargets'. make[3]: Leaving directory /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/sample' make[2]: Leaving directory/home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/sample' cd ann2fig ; make linux-g++ make[2]: Entering directory /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/ann2fig' make targets \ "ANNLIB = libANN.a" \ "C++ = g++" \ "CFLAGS = -O3" \ "MAKELIB = ar ruv" \ "RANLIB = true" make[3]: Entering directory/home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/ann2fig' make[3]: Nothing to be done for targets'. make[3]: Leaving directory/home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/ann2fig' make[2]: Leaving directory /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2/ann2fig' make[1]: Leaving directory/home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/external/gicp/ann_1.1.2'

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:134 (FILE): file COPY cannot set permissions on "/home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/lib//libANN.a"

-- Eigen found (include: /usr/include/eigen3) [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_qtros.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_openni_listener.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_qt_gui.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_graph_manager.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_glviewer.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later [rosbuild] Couldn't find source file /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam/build/src/moc_ros_service_ui.cxx; assuming that it is in /home/sunilsulania/ros/rgbdslam and will be generated later -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} [ rosmake ] Output from build of package rgbdslam written to: [ rosmake ] /home/sunilsulania/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120904-174248/rgbdslam/build_output.log
[rosmake-2] Finished <<< rgbdslam [FAIL] [ 10.21 seconds ]
[ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package rgbdslam. [ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete.
[ rosmake ] Results:
[ rosmake ] Cleaned 52 packages.
[ rosmake ] Built 53 packages with 1 failures.
[ rosmake ] Summary output to directory
[ rosmake ] /home/sunilsulania/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120904-174248*

Referring to the Bold statements, is it because I don't have root privileges?