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answered 2012-10-09 07:54:36 -0500

joq gravatar image

I don't see why you should not be able to run rectify first. The original camera_info topic is still available, so rectify need not duplicate it.

If you tried that and it did not work, please update your question with whatever error messages you received.

I don't see why you should not be able to run rectify first. The original camera_info topic is still available, so rectify need not duplicate it.

If you tried that and it did not work, please update your question with whatever error messages you received.

EDIT: looks like your topic names got mixed up with all the remapping. It might be simpler to follow the mini-tutorial for image_proc.

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/gscam rosrun image_proc image_proc

I don't see why you should not be able to run rectify first. The original camera_info topic is still available, so rectify need not duplicate it.

If you tried that and it did not work, please update your question with whatever error messages you received.

EDIT: looks like your topic names got mixed up with all the remapping. It might be simpler to follow the mini-tutorial for image_proc.

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/gscam rosrun image_proc image_proc

This runs image_proc in the /gscam namespace, so it publishes /gscam/image_rect while leaving /gscam/camera_info intact. The timestamps should remain unaltered.

I don't see why you should not be able to run rectify first. The original camera_info topic is still available, so rectify need not duplicate it.

If you tried that and it did not work, please update your question with whatever error messages you received.received. It looks like /gscam/camera_info was not passed to your final node correctly.

EDIT: looks like your topic names got mixed up with all the remapping.

It might be simpler work better to follow the mini-tutorial for image_proc. recommendation:

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/gscam rosrun image_proc image_proc

You might try running the image_crop nodelet by remapping camera:=gscam.

This runs image_proc in the /gscam namespace, so it publishes /gscam/image_rect while leaving /gscam/camera_info intact. The timestamps should remain unaltered.

I don't see why you should not be able to run rectify first. The original camera_info topic is still available, so rectify need not duplicate it.

If you tried that and it did not work, please update your question with whatever error messages you received. It looks like /gscam/camera_info was not passed to your final node correctly.received.

EDIT: looks like your topic names got mixed up with all the remapping. It looks like /gscam/camera_info was not passed to your mbn_visualizer node correctly.

It might work better to follow the mini-tutorial for image_proc recommendation:recommendation of running image_proc in the camera's namespace:

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=/gscam rosrun image_proc image_proc

You might try running the image_crop nodelet by remapping camera:=gscam.

This runs image_proc in the /gscam namespace, so it publishes /gscam/image_rect while leaving /gscam/camera_info intact. That is generally less confusing than remapping all those topics. The timestamps should remain unaltered.

You might be able to run the image_crop nodelet by remapping camera:=gscam. It seems to follow different conventions than the other image_proc nodelets.