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Are you sure that PizzaTopping is in the KnowRob namespace?

You query for knowrob:'PizzaTopping', but probably want to ask for

Are you sure that PizzaTopping is in the KnowRob namespace?

You query for knowrob:'PizzaTopping', but probably want to ask for

Edit: In your query, you need to set the correct IRI of the OWL class you are asking for. You find the base IRI of your ontology in the head of your OWL file in the line that looks like xmlns="".

Assuming you used the standard pizza.owl, you therefore need to query for:

prolog.query("owl_subclass_of(A, '')")

If you would like to abbreviate the long IRIs, you can define a namespace, e.g. in one of your using the rdf_db:rdf_register_ns directive. Have a look at the in ias_knowledge_base for an example.

Are you sure that PizzaTopping is in the KnowRob namespace?

You query for knowrob:'PizzaTopping', but probably want to ask for

Edit: In your query, you need to set the correct IRI of the OWL class you are asking for. You find the base IRI of your ontology in the head of your OWL file in the line that looks like xmlns="".

Assuming you used the standard pizza.owl, you therefore need to query for:

prolog.query("owl_subclass_of(A, '')")


If you would like to abbreviate the long IRIs, you can define a namespace, e.g. in one of your using the rdf_db:rdf_register_ns directive. Have a look at the in ias_knowledge_base for an example.