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The -207 error code stands for a CAN write error. This usually means that something is wrong with the driver configuration, the configuration file with the module IDs or with the communication's physical connection.

As the error appeared in module 5, it should mean that the program was able to reset all the other 4 modules, so your driver configuration should be fine. So, it either means that your robot only has 4 modules or that there's something wrong with your fifth module.

By something wrong, it could be the physical connection problem I said before: disconnected cables, power supply issues and so on. It could also be caused by a wrong moduleID configuration, in which you tried reaching an moduleID that isn't connected to the CAN Bus.

The -207 error code stands for a CAN write error. This usually means that something is wrong with the driver configuration, the configuration file with the module IDs or with the communication's physical connection.

As the error appeared in module 5, it should mean that the program was able to reset all the other 4 modules, so your driver configuration should be fine. So, it either means that your robot only has 4 modules or that there's something wrong with your fifth module.

By something wrong, it could be the physical connection problem I said before: disconnected cables, power supply issues and so on. It could also be caused by a wrong moduleID configuration, in which you tried reaching an moduleID that isn't connected to the CAN Bus.

The -207 error code stands for a CAN write error. This usually means that something is wrong with the driver configuration, the configuration file or with the communication's physical connection.

As the error appeared in module 5, it should mean that the program was able to reset all the other 4 modules, so your driver configuration should be fine. So, it either means that your robot only has 4 modules or that there's something wrong with your fifth module.

By something wrong, it could be the physical connection problem I said before: disconnected cables, power supply issues and so on. It could also be caused by a wrong moduleID configuration, in which you tried reaching an a moduleID that isn't connected to the CAN Bus.