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You can run any program inside a ROS package using rosrun (or equally, a launch file), no matter if it's a ROS node or not. So I would suggest you put the command(s) you use to run your program from the command line into a shell script and use rosrun to run that script.



# TODO: set up CLASSPATH, ...
java $1
  1. run from command line:

    rosrun my_pkg $(rospack find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class

  2. run from launch file:


  <node pkg="my_pkg" type="" name="server" args="$(find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class" />

You can run any program inside a ROS package using rosrun (or equally, a launch file), no matter if it's a ROS node or not. So I would suggest you put the command(s) you use to run your program from the command line into a shell script and use rosrun to run that script.



# TODO: set up CLASSPATH, ...
java $1
  1. run from command line:

    $ rosrun my_pkg $(rospack find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class

  2. run from launch file:

file (my_pkg/launch/my_stuff.launch:):

  <node pkg="my_pkg" type="" name="server" args="$(find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class" />

You can run any program inside a ROS package using rosrun (or equally, a launch file), no matter if it's a ROS node or not. So I would suggest you put the command(s) you use to run your program from the command line into a shell script and use rosrun to run that script.



# TODO: set up CLASSPATH, ...
java $1
  1. run from command line:

    $ rosrun my_pkg $(rospack find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class
  2. run from launch file (my_pkg/launch/my_stuff.launch):

      <node pkg="my_pkg" type="" name="server" args="$(find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class"/>

(remember to set the executable bit on

You can run any program inside a ROS package using rosrun (or equally, using a launch file), no matter if it's a ROS node or not. So I would suggest you put the command(s) you use to run your program from the command line into a shell script and use rosrun to run that script.



# TODO: set up CLASSPATH, ...
java $1
  1. run from command line:

    $ rosrun my_pkg $(rospack find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class
  2. run from launch file (my_pkg/launch/my_stuff.launch):

      <node pkg="my_pkg" type="" name="server" args="$(find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class"/>

(remember to set the executable bit on

You can run any program inside a ROS package using rosrun (or equally, using a launch file), no matter if it's a ROS node or not. So I would suggest you put the command(s) you use to run your program from the command line into a shell script and use rosrun to run that script.



# TODO: set up CLASSPATH, ...
java $1
$1    # this won't work exactly, you need to add some more 
           # arguments to java (never can remember which)
  1. run from command line:

    $ rosrun my_pkg $(rospack find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class
  2. run from launch file (my_pkg/launch/my_stuff.launch):

      <node pkg="my_pkg" type="" name="server" args="$(find my_pkg)/classes/Server.class"/>

(remember to set the executable bit on