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Afaik there's no way currently for you to give rqt_gui configuration on its 1st boot. @Dirk Thomas or @Dorian Scholz have the full answer. But assuming there's no such thing, I would suggest open an enhancement ticket here.

Sound like you've already been aware of many rqt's feature but as a recap, rqt_gui-level setting (plugins opened last time, their layout etc.) is stored automatically (in .config/ by default on Ubuntu. Don't know how this works in other platform). But what you are asking is probably plugin-level setting, and also on its initial boot.

Afaik there's no way currently for you to give rqt_gui configuration on its 1st boot. @Dirk Thomas or @Dorian Scholz have the full answer. But assuming there's no such thing, I would suggest open an enhancement ticket here.

Sound like you've already been aware of many rqt's feature but as a recap, rqt_gui-level setting (plugins (the plugins opened last time, their layout etc.) is stored automatically when you successfully close its process (in .config/ by default on Ubuntu. Don't know how this works in other platform). But what you are asking is probably plugin-level setting, and also on its initial boot. boot.

Afaik there's no way currently for you to give rqt_gui configuration on its 1st boot. @Dirk Thomas or @Dorian Scholz have the full answer. But assuming there's no such thing, I would suggest open an enhancement ticket here.

Sound like you've already been aware of many rqt's feature but as a recap, rqt_gui-level setting (the plugins opened last time, their layout a.k.a perspective etc.) is stored automatically when you successfully close its process (in ~/.config/ by default on Ubuntu. Don't know how this works in other platform). But what you are asking is probably plugin-level setting, and also on its initial boot.