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There is a section on the page link you posted titled "controllers.yaml" file, that describes how to create this file:

"This file should be created inside the config directory of the MoveIt! configuration package generated for your robot by the Setup Assistant. This file does not exist yet - it has not been auto-generated by the MoveIt! Setup Assistant. "

It says to copy-paste their version into your config directory. Did you try this yet?

click to hide/show revision 2
updated the answer per the author's comment

There is a section on the page link you posted titled "controllers.yaml" file, that describes how to create this file:

"This file should be created inside the config directory of the MoveIt! configuration package generated for your robot by the Setup Assistant. This file does not exist yet - it has not been auto-generated by the MoveIt! Setup Assistant. "

It says to copy-paste their version into your config directory. Did you try this yet?

EDIT (per comment) Got it. What you need to do is create the pr2_moveit_controller_manager.launch file in the launch folder of your configuration package. Within that file you will see the line

rosparam file="$(find pr2_moveit_generated)/config/controllers.yaml"

That is where it is referenced.