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Basically, it looks like you are missing "ros" folder, in addition to duration.cpp, and time.cpp. Could you post the listing of the contents of the "ros_lib/tf" directory?

It would appear that lines 86/87 of is failing to correctly copy the contents of rosserial_client/src/ros_lib on your system -- but I can't reproduce it on Ubuntu 12.04 -- what OS are you on?

Basically, it looks like you are missing "ros" folder, in addition to duration.cpp, and time.cpp. Could you post the listing of the contents of the "ros_lib/tf" directory?

It would appear that lines 86/87 of is failing to correctly copy the contents of rosserial_client/src/ros_lib on your system -- but I can't reproduce it on Ubuntu 12.04 -- what OS are you on?

Edit: It would appear that the CMakeLists.txt is not installing the rosserial_client/src/ros_lib folder correctly.

Basically, Be sure to run "source <ws>/install/setup.bash" otherwise you'll get ros_lib directory as it looks like you is in the rosserial_arduino source -- which is missing the files that are missing "ros" folder, in addition to duration.cpp, and time.cpp. Could you post the listing of the contents of the "ros_lib/tf" directory? I can't reproduce it on Ubuntu 12.04 -- what OS are you on? installed from rosserial_client.

Edit: It would appear that the CMakeLists.txt is not installing the rosserial_client/src/ros_lib folder correctly.