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Revision history [back]

click to hide/show revision 1
initial version
  1. Create a Package:
  2. go in the CMakeLists.txt and add following line:

    rosbuild_add_executable (example src/example.cpp) target_link_libraries(example ${PCL_LIBRARIES})

PCL is only a example Library. Make sure that your cpp file is placed in src/..

The last step is only to call rosmake [pkg-name]

  1. Create a Package:
  2. go in the CMakeLists.txt and add following line:

    rosbuild_add_executable (example src/example.cpp) target_link_libraries(example ${PCL_LIBRARIES})

PCL is only a example Library. Make sure that your cpp file is placed in src/..

The last step is only to call rosmake [pkg-name]

  1. Create a Package:
  2. go in the CMakeLists.txt and add following line:

    rosbuild_add_executable (example src/example.cpp) target_link_libraries(example ${PCL_LIBRARIES})

PCL is only a an example Library. Make sure that your cpp file is placed in src/..

The last step is only to call rosmake [pkg-name]