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initial version

First, look if the executable is there:

cd <your path to viso2_ros>
ls bin/

This should show the executable mono_odometer. If it is not there, run rosmake viso2_ros, this should build the executable.

Check if viso2_ros can be found by rospack: rospack find viso2_ros. If rospack cannot find the package, add the path to your environment variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

First, look if the executable is there:

cd <your path to viso2_ros>
ls bin/

This should show the executable mono_odometer. If it is not there, run viso2_ros is not compiled. If you are on a fuerte branch, use rosmake viso2_ros, this should build to compile the executable.package. For the groovy branches, run catkin_make in your catkin workspace to compile the package.

Check if viso2_ros can be found by rospack: rospack find viso2_ros. If rospack cannot find the package, add the path to your environment variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. or source the setup.bash of your <catkin_workspace>/devel directory.

First, look check if the executable is there:

cd <your path to viso2_ros>
ls bin/
rosrun viso2_ros mono_odometer

This should show give no error. If the executable mono_odometer. If cannot be found it is not there, viso2_ros is may be not compiled. If you are on a fuerte branch, use rosmake viso2_ros to compile the package. For the groovy branches, run catkin_make in your catkin workspace to compile the package.

Check if viso2_ros can be found by rospack: rospack find viso2_ros. If rospack cannot find the package, add the path to your environment variable ROS_PACKAGE_PATH or source the setup.bash of your <catkin_workspace>/devel directory.