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Unfortunately GMapping does not work without odom information. It uses the odom tf to determine if it has to incorporate new scans and as inital guess for the internal 2D scanmatching.

You could try to use the laser_scan_matcher to provide some kind of fixed world-transform (just enable ~publish_tf, call the ~fixed_frame /odom and disable all inputs). That may be enough to get GMapping working. But i would expect, that the results wont be rather poor, because of the small field of view of the kinect. Try to make sure, that you always have enough features visible. :)

Unfortunately GMapping does not work without odom information. It uses the odom tf to determine if it has to incorporate new scans and as inital guess for the internal 2D scanmatching.

You could try to use the laser_scan_matcher to provide some kind of fixed world-transform (just enable ~publish_tf, call the ~fixed_frame /odom and disable all inputs). That may be enough to get GMapping working. But i would expect, that the results wont be rather poor, because of the small field of view of the kinect. Try to make sure, that you always have enough features visible. :)

Edit (to answer the question more precisely):

GMapping can work without the /odom topic itself, but it definitely needs a transform /world (or /odom) -> /base_link for inter-scan motion estimation. :)