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There is very simple demo of something like that, the code is a bit old and might need a few updates, but it is posted here:

You'll notice that the goals are hard coded (the easiest way to do this is to use rostopic echo on the move_base goal topic, and click on your "goals" in rviz), basically, I have a name for each pose (was basically the center of the office). Video here:

There is very simple demo of something like that, the code is a bit old and might need a few updates, but it is posted here:

You'll notice that the goals are hard coded (the easiest way to do this is to use rostopic echo on the move_base goal topic, and click on your "goals" in rviz), basically, I have a name for each pose (was basically the center of the office). Video here:

UPDATE: As for implementing this on TurtleBot, if you have navigation ( running, you will need to fire up pocketsphinx with your dictionary of words (see the docs for the node and make that script have the proper names and places.