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I hope you followed the steps to create the rosbuild work-space as your package can be find by the following command properly.

rospack find mytele

what I found missing in the steps you explained is the following command

source devel/setup.bash

this can be performed by adding a line to .bashrc file.

The critical point is that every time we use the rosmake command and make some changes or opening new terminal we need to run this command

source devel/setup.bash

or the best way is to add the line to .bashrc

I hope you followed the steps to create the rosbuild work-space as your package can be find by the following command properly.

rospack find mytele

what I found missing in the steps you explained is the following command which is needed after using rosmake command

source devel/setup.bash

this can be performed alternatively by adding a line to .bashrc file.

The critical point is that every time we use the rosmake command and make some changes or opening new terminal we need to run this command

source devel/setup.bash

or the best way is to add the line to .bashrc

I hope you followed the steps to create the rosbuild work-space as your package can be find by the following command properly.

rospack find mytele

what I found missing in the steps you explained is the following command which is needed after using rosmake command

source devel/setup.bash

this can be performed alternatively by adding a line to .bashrc file.

The critical point is that every time we use the rosmake command and make some changes or opening new terminal we need to run this command

source devel/setup.bash

or the best way is to add the line to .bashrc

As i am getting problem explains that one portion of the program is running well which is printing

core service [/rosout] found process[mytele_keyboard-1]: started with pid [3972] Reading from keyboard

--------------------------- Use arrow keys to move the turtlebot.

but the code after that is not performing well to get the input of keyboard and performing the task accordingly. I suggest you to go through it again.