How to obtain right-side up images with a bumblebee2 mounted upside down?

asked 2013-11-13 06:59:07 -0600

sofiad gravatar image

Hi, I'm using a bumblebee2 mounted upside down and have been looking into obtaining the images I get from it the right side up. I have performed the stereo camera calibration, and have tried changing the sign of the element of the projection matrix in the second row, second column (effectively performing a 180º rotation). This seems to flip the rectified images vertically, as well as the disparity image. Additionally, applying this change to the camera matrix or the rectification matrix also seems to do the trick. I guess my question is, where is it best to perform this rotation? And is it forseable that doing this change in the calibration file will cause me trouble in the future, such as with defining the camera frames, etc.? Is there any "better" way to flip the image vertically? I'm pretty new at ROS so any help appreciated!

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