displaying of pointcloud crashes rviz
I am using pcl and pcl_ros from http://svn.pointclouds.org/ros/tags/u... . I am publishing the pointcloud version .PCD v.7 using pcd_to_pointcloud tool and then trying to display it in diamondback version of rviz.
The latter however crashes rviz with the following message: """ rviz: /tmp/buildd/ros-diamondback-visualization-common-1.4.0/debian/ros-diamondback-visualization-common/opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-1/OgreMain/include/OgreAxisAlignedBox.h:252: void Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::setExtents(const Ogre::Vector3&, const Ogre::Vector3&): Assertion `(min.x <= max.x && min.y <= max.y && min.z <= max.z) && "The minimum corner of the box must be less than or equal to maximum corner"' failed. (0) : fatal error C9999: * exception during compilation * """
I suspect it to be caused by NaNs in my pointcloud but then again this was not the problem for diamondback version of pcl_ros. Can anyone confirm if my guess is right and what would would the action to rectify the problem be?