Logitech webcams very "dark" when using uvc_cam
I am running into an issue with the exposure of my logitech webcams. After launching uvc_cam, either camera (logitech 1 or 2) only works properly after manually changing the camera using uvc_cam_node. If I have /dev/video1 in the camera.launch file, then switching it to /dev/video2 using the uvc_cam_node will make video2 work and vice versa. I am receiving a warning:
WARN [1307826164.686116661]: [camera] calibration does not match video mode (publishing uncalibrated data)
When I set it in dynamic_reconfigure and save the settings to a yaml file, it looks like this:
{absolue_exposure: 2089, brightness: 66, camera_info_url: '', camera_name: camera, contrast: 50, device: /dev/video2, exposure: 1, format_mode: 1, frame_id: /camera, frame_rate: 20.0, grain: 82, height: 240, power_line_frequency: 0, saturation: 50, sharpness: 142, white_balance_temperature: true, width: 320}
Best regards, Tim
Hello Tim, I have downloaded the package form the link: git clone https://github.com/ericperko?uvc_cam.git. I want to know how to build it or make it, thanks