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goal time window for dynamic sbpl planner

asked 2011-06-19 21:49:09 -0500

Stefan Stiene gravatar image

Hello, I have a question concerning the new dynamic version of the sbpl planner . Is it possible to give the goal a permitted time window? I want the sbpl to give me only solutions where the robot reaches the goal at a specific time. If this is not possible, how complex would it be to extend the current solution in this direction? Best Stefan

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answered 2011-08-03 11:36:05 -0500

mphillips gravatar image

Currently there isn't support for this type of constraint (directly). The planner tries to find a time-minimal collision free path to the goal. However, it would be possible to add this extension to the planner (and I'll do so in the next release).

Until then though an easy hack to get the planner to reach the goal on the interval (t1,t2) would be to put a "fake" dynamic obstacle at the goal location from time 0 to t1 and another fake dynamic obstacle at the goal location from time t2 to some large time. This is essentially how I will implement your feature in the next release anyway.

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Asked: 2011-06-19 21:49:09 -0500

Seen: 245 times

Last updated: Aug 03 '11