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Generating a few layers from 3D laser scanner

asked 2011-07-15 03:13:53 -0500

alfa_80 gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:09:59 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I would like to generate several layers of points that I obtain from 3D laser scanner. Will it be possible to do this without building 3D point clouds?

Any suggestion how to go about this.


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What do you mean by "several layers of points"? Do you mean all points recorded by the 3D laser scanner lying on several 2D planes that are horizontal to the ground? You could do that without explicitly building 3D point clouds, using trigonometry, but why? I think point clouds would be easiest.
Martin Günther gravatar image Martin Günther  ( 2011-07-17 23:25:12 -0500 )edit
Yes, you got it right. Thanks..@ Martin Günter, i think you had better copy and paste your answer in the box below, so I can tick your answer as "right" or at least the one that I was hunting..
alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2011-07-18 04:03:15 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2011-07-18 04:20:11 -0500

What do you mean by "several layers of points"? Do you mean all points recorded by the 3D laser scanner lying on several 2D planes that are horizontal to the ground? You could do that without explicitly building 3D point clouds, using trigonometry, but why? I think point clouds would be easiest.

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Asked: 2011-07-15 03:13:53 -0500

Seen: 307 times

Last updated: Jul 18 '11