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Publish Kinect Depth information to a Ros Topic

asked 2011-07-13 07:21:50 -0500

Poofjunior gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:59:01 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Hello, all,

Recently, we've been attempting to access the kinect depth data from the published point cloud provided by the openni_node, but we've run into a couple stumbling points:

first, the ros tutorial for pcl_ros

references a topic published by openni called: /camera/depth/points2 but our version of openni_kinect only publishes: /camera/depth/points Are we using an outdated version?

Also, we tried working with /camera/depth/points and we believe that this information is published in binary format. When we attempted to convert the binary format of a single point to x,y,z information though, we received a list of 4 integers. Are we interpreting the information incorrectly?

We also subscribed to the /camera/depth/image, and we could access the depth information from a single point, but we're restricted to meter-by-meter resolution. Is there a better way of getting more resolution with the /camera/depth/image ?

Thanks for reading, and we appreciate any directions you can point us to accessing the depth information (of points) from the kinect.



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1 Answer

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answered 2011-07-13 08:53:35 -0500

fergs gravatar image

updated 2011-07-13 08:58:03 -0500

The current driver publishes both point clouds and images:

  • /camera/depth/points -- this is the non-colored point cloud. To use this, you'd probably want to use PCL (Point Cloud Library) functions to access individual points in a meaningful manner.
  • /camera/depth/image -- this is the depth image (not a point cloud). It can easily be converted to an OpenCV image using the cv_bridge package. For using the depth image, it is important to note that is a 32-bit float for each pixel, corresponding to meters. This answer and this one contain some useful information on using the image.
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Many thanks, fergs!
Poofjunior gravatar image Poofjunior  ( 2011-07-14 04:28:58 -0500 )edit
Many thanks, fergs! It turns out that we weren't interpreting the image correctly. We changed cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(data, "mono8") to cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(data, "32FC1") and we started seeing much better results.
Poofjunior gravatar image Poofjunior  ( 2011-07-14 04:28:58 -0500 )edit
Great! Please click the checkmark next to my answer to accept it.
fergs gravatar image fergs  ( 2011-07-14 06:45:09 -0500 )edit

Thank you for your answer. May I ask a question that if there is a way to get the value(float) of each point on the depth/image_raw before we convert it in to a cvmat?

Consider1001 gravatar image Consider1001  ( 2014-04-15 16:16:34 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2011-07-13 07:21:50 -0500

Seen: 4,310 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '11