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Mask is blank in Object Recognition Kitchen (ORK)

asked 2013-12-01 05:44:18 -0500

chase gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:18:42 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I have ORK all setup and appears to be working pretty well. I have identified a plane and saved a mesh of it. However, when trying to capture an object for detection, the pose fram shows up but the mask frame appears all black. From what I've read, it should display only the new object in the frame, correct? Has anybody else had this problem?

If anybody knows of other forums or documentation related to ORK I would appreciate it - the community seems somewhat small right now and I'm not to sure where to go with questions.

Thanks in advance.

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For anyone else interested in ORK, take a look at the newly created ORK google group here:!forum/object-recognition-kitchen It was just started, but it would be cool if the ORK community also started to post here so we can all help each other with ORK specific questions.

chase gravatar image chase  ( 2013-12-01 06:35:18 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-12-01 11:56:18 -0500

o3p7s5 gravatar image

Dear Chase, I believe you are trying to use the "textured plane" mode, right? rosrun object_recognition_capture orb_template -o my_textured_plane

Well I didn't use it that way. I just printed out the capture_board and ommited the -i option in rosrun object_recognition_capture capture -i my_textured_plane --seg_z_min 0.01 -o silk.bag --preview --> rosrun object_recognition_capture capture --seg_z_min 0.01 -o silk.bag --preview

that work well for me-> the frame is black EXCEPT the object... As I mentioned on ROS Answers I installed ORK from source code.

Regards, o3p7s5

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Asked: 2013-12-01 05:44:18 -0500

Seen: 351 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '13