Replacing wrapper ROS package for external library - best practices?
Seeing as more and more "wrapper" packages such as OpenCV are moving away from package dependencies to system dependencies, what is the best practice to transform a low-dependency external library (in this case OctoMap) that is wrapped in a ROS package (octomap) into a working stand-alone package (that is also built within the ROS release chain)?
I was already considering to merge the original source tree (ROS-independent) and ROS package into one source tree, but don't see the need for a dedicated ROS integration if plain CMake also works (and creates less maintenance overhead). This combined ROS / non-ROS build system was previously discussed on ROS users, maybe we can continue that and find a minimal-overhead best practice? (possibly a discussion on ROS users would also be more suited than Answers).
OctoMap already provides an install target, I assume a FindOctoMap CMakeModule is also needed. What else, particularly to build and release the package in ROS?