gmapping not updating map
So I am attempting to use gmapping to build a map using SLAM. As far as I can tell I am passing it all the required transformations (odom->link and laser->link). Also my laser scan looks correct when I display it in rviz as well as my robot odometry. When I start up gmapping, rviz will display a map from the first scan. As I move my robot around the gmapping appears to be registering the new scans and it will update the position of my robot in the map which leads me to believe that gmapping is actually doing something useful. However, no matter how much I drive the robot around the map will never update. So all I get is whatever is seen in the first scan and none of the new scans are added to the map. Is there some step I am missing in order to update the map?
I have three programs running:
1.) Gets laser scan data and publishes it as a sensor_msgs/LaserScan message
2.) Handles teleop of a pioneer robot and publishes odometry tf as well as the laser->link tf
3.) gmapping using default values.
Edit: Output from gmapping
-maxUrange 4.99 -maxUrange 4.99 -sigma 0.05 -kernelSize 1 -lstep 0.05 -lobsGain 3 -astep 0.05
-srr 0.1 -srt 0.2 -str 0.1 -stt 0.2
-linearUpdate 1 -angularUpdate 0.5 -resampleThreshold 0.5
-xmin -100 -xmax 100 -ymin -100 -ymax 100 -delta 0.05 -particles 30
[ INFO] [1312401554.739806016]: Initialization complete
update frame 0
update ld=0 ad=0
Laser Pose= 0 0 0
m_count 0
Registering First Scan
update frame 226
update ld=0.0118284 ad=0.54594
Laser Pose= 0 -0.001 -0.54594
m_count 1
Average Scan Matching Score=107.231
neff= 29.9803
Registering Scans:Done
update frame 285
update ld=0.0142426 ad=0.525215
Laser Pose= 0 -0.001 -0.292794
m_count 2
Average Scan Matching Score=248.354
neff= 29.9592
Registering Scans:Done
update frame 358
update ld=0.00641421 ad=0.507834
Laser Pose= 0 0 0.21504
m_count 3
Average Scan Matching Score=212.766
neff= 29.6688
Registering Scans:Done
update frame 432
update ld=0 ad=0.50579
Laser Pose= 0 0 0.354772
m_count 4
Average Scan Matching Score=167.437
neff= 28.1639
Registering Scans:Done