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tutorial ROSberryPi Setting up Hydro on RaspberryPi failing on rosconsole

asked 2013-12-13 01:15:14 -0500

chocjulio33 gravatar image

updated 2014-04-20 14:09:42 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Im installing turtlebot software on raspberry pi using this turtorial

ROSberryPiSetting up Hydro on RaspberryPi

but im stuck in the build part of turtlebot it wants this requirement ros console-bridge but when i get to that section of the tutorial i'm missing something console_bridge

1.1.1 this command returns this

sed -e "s/rosconsole/console_bridge" rosconsole/package.xml > console_bridge/package.xml sed: -e expression #1, char 27: unterminated `s' command

Any help would be appreciated thanks chocjulio

PS thanks for the tutorial it really helped get me going you should do one for turlebot

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Just a note: I've updated the Wiki to fix this problem. the correct sed command should have been "sed -e "s/rosconsole/console_bridge/" rosconsole/package.xml > console_bridge/package.xml" (notice the terminating slash after console_bridge)

Tim Sweet gravatar image Tim Sweet  ( 2013-12-18 07:30:51 -0500 )edit

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answered 2013-12-15 01:50:58 -0500

chocjulio33 gravatar image

I figured this out, sed is a find and replace utility i did it manually. still no turtlebot on pi yet. This makes me thinks somethings changed. Also just a place holder im currently compiling pcl and flann manually on the pi flann took 27hrs to compile but installed ok! Great success! Now i'm waiting on PCL to complete its been going 40+ hrs.

Trying to learn how to cross compile but that is definitly harder but will greatly reduce compile times andd im going to either try to release an image or convert compiled code to a deb! Has anyone made a turtlebot out of a pi?


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You might want to check out Embedded Sig. They had some discussions regarding Rasberry Pi stuff.

jihoonl gravatar image jihoonl  ( 2013-12-16 15:48:29 -0500 )edit

May I suggest creating a virtual machine with the Raspbian environment and building in there? That would save you some time, even with setting up the VM - try or

autonomy gravatar image autonomy  ( 2013-12-18 03:58:44 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-12-13 01:15:14 -0500

Seen: 490 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '13