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Problem compiling (making) motion_planning_common/planning_environment package

asked 2011-08-25 12:43:53 -0600

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Hi All, I was trying to install motion_planning_common and while it is making planning_environment it shows me some errors. I have the errors pasted in the pastebin and this is the address of the same.

kindly could someone tell me what is going wrong and whether it is the problem of version changes as i am using electric and the package was written for some other version of ros. If this is not the case, is it dependent on any of my computer configurations ??

~Cheers! navderm

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2 Answers

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answered 2011-08-25 13:06:18 -0600

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The motion_planning_common stack no longer exists in electric - most of it went into the arm_navigation stack. motion_planning_common from diamondback will probably not work overlayed on electric, as the architecture has changed substantially. You can look at the main arm_navigation page for an overview of the changes: . If for some reason you need the old stacks/packages I suggest you remain on diamondback.

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Hi, I want to be able to use octomap_mapping stack. For that I was using the motion_planning_common. In case I can use octomap_mapping without it, its fine for me. I want to be able to use the mapping_msgs package in motion_planning_common. the arm_navigation stack uses the package arm_navigation_m
navderm gravatar image navderm  ( 2011-08-25 13:55:27 -0600 )edit

answered 2011-08-25 13:55:04 -0600

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Hi, I want to be able to use octomap_mapping stack. For that I was using the motion_planning_common. In case I can use octomap_mapping without it, its fine for me. I want to be able to use the mapping_msgs package in motion_planning_common.

the arm_navigation stack uses the package arm_navigation_msgs and the msgs in mapping_msgs are all contained there except one .. PolygonalMap.msg

So all in all the main goal is installing octomap_mapping but it searches for mapping_msgs. Is there a way around it ??

Thanks a lot.

~Cheers! navderm

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Is there a reason you wouldn't use the octomap_mapping stack from electric? The deb for that stack are available in ros-electric-octomap-mapping, and the new version has substantial improvements over the older version.
egiljones gravatar image egiljones  ( 2011-08-25 15:26:40 -0600 )edit
You need to use the electric/unstable branch instead of trunk if you're not building in diamondback, or use the releases. This page lists the releases and their SVN sources:
AHornung gravatar image AHornung  ( 2011-08-25 18:42:57 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2011-08-25 12:43:53 -0600

Seen: 481 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '11