image_view seems to run, but the images are nowhere to be found [closed]
I am attempting to retrieve image files from a rosbag (following this tutorial:
I roscd into the image_view package, but I have to sudo every command because it won't let me do anything without it. I moved a rosbag named test.bag into the image_view package directory. I included this launch file (with my own topic name replacing the default one) and named it export.launch.
<node pkg="rosbag" type="rosbag" name="rosbag" args="play -d 2 $(find image_view)/test.bag"/>
<node name="extract" pkg="image_view" type="extract_images" respawn="false" output="screen" cwd="node">
<remap from="image" to="/camera/image_raw"/>
Then, I do roslaunch export.launch. Everything seems to work perfectly. At the end of the output I get this:
(previous output omitted for space)
[rosbag-1] process has finished cleanly.
log file: /home/user/.ros/log/512670bc-d67a-11e0-b5f3-080027433aa6/rosbag-1*.log
I then attempt to retrieve the .jpg files and they are nowhere to be found! They are not in the image_view package directory, or anywhere that I can find.
Does anyone know where they are? Or what I'm doing wrong? Thanks a lot!