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Exporting compressed video

asked 2011-09-05 07:21:59 -0500

Charence gravatar image

updated 2011-09-05 07:23:03 -0500

I followed the linked image and video data export tutorial:

However, I only save the compressed video to the bag file. From the following warning and error, I can see that I set an incorrect topic /gscam/image_raw/compressed, however, /gscam/image_raw only obviously would not work because only the compressed topic is published.

[ WARN] [1314815531.598786851]: [image_transport] It looks like you are trying to subscribe directly to a transport-specific image topic '/gscam/image_raw/compressed', in which case you will likely get a connection error. Try subscribing to the base topic '/gscam/image_raw' instead with parameter ~image_transport set to 'compressed' (on the command line, _image_transport:=compressed). See for details.

[ERROR] [1314815532.042773170]: Client [/extract] wants topic /gscam/image_raw/compressed to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], but our version has [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage/8f7a12909da2c9d3332d540a0977563f]. Dropping connection

My question is, how can I specify to export the compressed video stream?

Many Thanks!

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1 Answer

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answered 2011-09-05 10:46:05 -0500

joq gravatar image

This should work:

$ rosrun image_view extract_images image:=/gscam/image_raw _image_transport:=compressed
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Asked: 2011-09-05 07:21:59 -0500

Seen: 1,854 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '11