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roboearth detection of living objects

asked 2011-09-11 02:07:59 -0500

Chrimo gravatar image

Hi, this question is very speculative fiction... Is roboearth designed to handle living objects like cats and dogs ?

Regards, Christian

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answered 2011-09-11 20:28:48 -0500

moritz gravatar image


RoboEarth in itself is a system for exchanging information between robots, for now mainly action descriptions, environment maps, and object recognition models (see The currently released packages mainly deal with object recognition models and provide tools for creating, up- and downloading models, and for recognizing the objects described by these models.

The recognition models are based on SIFT features, local image feature points that require some texture on the objects to work reliably, and assume non-deformable objects. As cats and dogs are very flexible, recognizing them will hardly work with these methods.

cheers, Moritz

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Asked: 2011-09-11 02:07:59 -0500

Seen: 353 times

Last updated: Sep 11 '11