prosilica calibration freezes during calibration step
I don't have any experience calibrating the prosilica camera on the PR2. I followed this tutorial but the calibration process tends to freeze up on me.
- PR2 is plugged into the basestation. Ran this whole process from the basestation as well.
- v1.0.0 of pr2_calibration on the robot.
What I did:
- Ran: roslaunch pr2_calibration_launch calibrate_prosilica.launch
- Moved around the checkerboard until the 'Calibrate' button showed up.
- Clicked on 'Calibrate'
- Nothing happens for at least a half hour.....'top' tells me that the cameracalibration process takes %86 of the CPU.
- I eventually kill it.
What am I doing wrong? Am I not waiting long enough?