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planning_component_visualizer bug

asked 2011-10-17 02:52:19 -0600

jayson ding gravatar image

Dear All

I am new to ros arm_navigation stack and start from arm_navigation tutorials. I was able to go through Tutorial Planning Description Configuration Wizard and generate robot_arm_navigation file for Planning Components Visualizer. But when I launch Planning Components Visualizer I got the following error. I double check my robot mode in rviz, a couple of my robot linkage transform was not set. Can anyone give some hints? what is going on there. thanks a lot.

        [ WARN] [1318862473.674236018, 1318862473.665204048]: Assimp reports no scene in package://robot_model/meshes/zmp.stl
    [ WARN] [1318862474.007762207, 1318862474.001216888]: Assimp reports no scene in package://robot_model/meshes/hokuyo.stl
    [ WARN] [1318862474.008905369, 1318862474.001216888]: Assimp reports no scene in package://robot_model/meshes/hokuyo.stl
    [ WARN] [1318862474.018861592, 1318862474.013163089]: Assimp reports no scene in package://robot_model/meshes/zmp.stl
    [ INFO] [1318862478.034383412, 1318862478.033212900]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862478.198500751, 1318862478.189532041]: waitForService: Service [/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862479.065942754, 1318862479.053858041]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
    [ INFO] [1318862479.134502405, 1318862479.125864028]: Environment server started
    [ INFO] [1318862479.157862418, 1318862479.149939060]: waitForService: Service [/environment_server/set_planning_scene_diff] is now available.
    [ INFO] [1318862479.162892881, 1318862479.162060022]: waitForService: Service [/ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862479.439649689, 1318862479.438860893]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /planning_scene_validity_server
    [ INFO] [1318862479.751330443, 1318862479.750392913]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /trajectory_filter_server
    [ INFO] [1318862480.062656603, 1318862480.049906015]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /ompl_planning
    [ERROR] [1318862480.124286986, 1318862480.122004032]: Could not find subspace for defining projection evaluator
    [ERROR] [1318862480.124422765, 1318862480.122004032]: Could not setup the projection evaluator
    [ERROR] [1318862480.124537989, 1318862480.122004032]: Could not configure planner for group right_arm with config SBLkConfig1
    [ERROR] [1318862480.124565291, 1318862480.122004032]: Could not add planner for group right_arm and planner_config SBLkConfig1
    [ERROR] [1318862480.124594235, 1318862480.122004032]: Could not initialize planning groups from the param server
    [ INFO] [1318862480.163109192, 1318862480.158339977]: Waiting for planner service /ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path
    [ INFO] [1318862480.164149067, 1318862480.158339977]: waitForService: Service [/ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862480.375178396, 1318862480.374572038]: Successfully connected to planning scene action server for /rona_right_arm_kinematics
    [ INFO] [1318862481.169963870, 1318862481.165368080]: Waiting for planner service /ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path
    [ INFO] [1318862481.170536588, 1318862481.165368080]: waitForService: Service [/ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862482.178059393, 1318862482.173244953]: Waiting for planner service /ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path
    [ INFO] [1318862482.178706486, 1318862482.173244953]: waitForService: Service [/ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path] has not been advertised, waiting...
    [ INFO] [1318862483.190043638, 1318862483.185326099]: Waiting for planner service /ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path
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4 Answers

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answered 2011-10-17 08:56:35 -0600

egiljones gravatar image

updated 2011-10-17 08:56:50 -0600

I see two potential problems. First, did you generate your stl files from solidworks? Solidworks seems to prepend their binary STL files with 'solid' , which messes up assimp. If you manually edit the files and change that to any other five letter word, such as robot, then Assimp will load the mesh file.

For the second error, OMPL is not able to configure the search space. I've seen this happen when your robot consists entirely of continuous joints with no joint limits. We can't currently plan for such robots - if you change at least one joint in your URDF to a regular Revolute joint and set joint limits and re-run the wizard I think things will work.

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answered 2011-10-17 17:01:43 -0600

jayson ding gravatar image

Hi Egiljones

thank you for your reply. I did export my stl files from solidworks. You are right after I changed its prepend from "solid" to robot. I do not have warning any more. But the problem is it crushed my rviz. please see the following bug log. I am not professional programmer and could not deal with this bug. So I just keep the old stl file at this point since it just a warning.

rviz: /tmp/buildd/ros-electric-visualization-common-1.6.2/debian/ros-electric-visualization-common/opt/ros/electric/stacks/visualization_common/ogre/build/ogre_src_v1-7-3/OgreMain/include/OgreAxisAlignedBox.h:252: void Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::setExtents(const Ogre::Vector3&, const Ogre::Vector3&): Assertion `(min.x <= max.x && min.y <= max.y && min.z <= max.z) && "The minimum corner of the box must be less than or equal to maximum corner"' failed.
[rviz-2] process has died [pid 9376, exit code -6].
log files: /home/jding/.ros/log/5651c8f4-f92d-11e0-b8a3-842b2bbc5e1e/rviz-2*.log

I also added joint limits to my urdf file. <limit lower="0.0" upper="0.385" velocity="0.1" effort="1"/> But it was not loaded by planning_description_configuration_wizard. Do you know where I probably mess up the joint limits? thanks a lot.

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answered 2012-12-23 09:40:36 -0600

dsolomon gravatar image

With regards to the assimp errors, I had the same error while creating a shapes::Mesh from an stl file. I tried Gil's solution of changing the first word "robot", but I still had the same error. It might have had to do with the encoding gedit did when saving the binary file.

In either case, the only way I got it to work was to use a dae instead of the stl. I just used meshlab to do the conversion.

-running ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04

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answered 2011-10-18 01:35:43 -0600

jayson ding gravatar image

Hi Egiljones

You are absolutely right. After added joint limited to my urdf file, the planning component visualizer worked very well. This is great! thank you very much. By the way, in my previous post, I forget to change my joint limit type from "continuous" to "revolute", which caused the program could not recognize the joint limit. best


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Asked: 2011-10-17 02:52:19 -0600

Seen: 2,516 times

Last updated: Dec 23 '12