how to use door_handle_detector to detect door handle
hi all, how to use door_handle_detector ( to detect a door or a handle?
i plugin kinect in the PC,and try this command in terminal:
roslaunch door_handle_detector door_closed_40.launch
(there are lots of *.lauch ,
i don't konw which one to use ,so i random select one to see what result will be)
BUT,i get ERROR as follows:
FATAL] [1318863811.703771799]: Failed to open file: /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/pr2_doors/door_handle_detector/test/door_closed_40.bag (Error opening file: /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/pr2_doors/door_handle_detector/test/door_closed_40.bag) [rosplay-6] process has died [pid 21335, exit code 1]. log files: /home/mochen/.ros/log/2d2db2aa-f8d1-11e0-8185-00218545f6b8/rosplay-6*.log
-------------------------ths to David , added ------------------------------ (just use an kinect to detect door or handle,without other camera sensor or laser)
roslaunch door_handle_detector door_handle_detector_vision.xml
get an error:
core service [/rosout] found
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [stereo_image_proc/stereoproc]:
Cannot locate node of type [stereoproc] in package [stereo_image_proc]
the program doesn't crash down,it still running,some info in terminal as follows: **process[handle_detector_vision-2]: started with pid [2447] (0): /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/pr2_doors/door_handle_detector/bin/handle_detector_vision (1): stereo:=narrow_stereo (2): __name:=handle_detector_vision (3): __log:=/home/myname/.ros/log/ebf7adc4-f923-11e0-8cd6-00218545f6b8/handle_detector_vision-2.log but wait for a long long time,it is still loading the /opt/ros/diamondback/stacks/pr2_doors/door_handle_detector/data/handles_data.xml .
so waht is the problem now,how to solve it?ths!
---------------------------------------------added end------------------------------------------
use Kinect,ubuntu 11.04 ,ROS version is diamondback,PCL1.2.